Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Recent Childrens Book Reviews, Green Berets, Air Force & Army

I love reading Children's Non Fiction books.  Here are three of my favorite from the past year.  Many more to follow, enjoy!

Green Berets by Jennifer Besel (First Facts)

This book explains who the Green Beret’s are.  It is simple to read and has definitions of words that might be hard to understand.  The pictures are of real people which make it more realistic.  I gave this book 5/5 stars.  I think it does an excellent job of showing children what these soldiers do and how they are trained to do it!


United States Air Force by Michael Green (First Facts)

This book is about the United States Air Force.  The pictures are of real people and equipment.  The writing is easy to understand with definitions of words that might not be heard often by children.  The layout of the book reminds me of a scrapbooking page.  Big headlines, a small paragraph and a picture or two to show what is being talked about.  I gave this book 5/5 stars.  I think it would be helpful for any child showing interest in the Air Force and wanting to know a bit more about what they do!


United States Army by Michael Green (First Facts)

This is a great book for any child interested in what the Army does every day.  There are pictures of real Army personnel and the situations they encounter.  I liked the layout of the book as it has simple headlines, easy to read paragraphs and excellent photos.  I gave this book 5/5 stars.  I like the entire book but especially liked the end where they list other books to read and internet sites to visit.  I would recommend it for any child wanting basic information on the Army.

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